Free shipping to anywhere in Egypt when purchasing products worth more than 1,000 EGP.

Free shipping to anywhere in Egypt when purchasing products worth more than 1,000 EGP.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will My Order Arrive?

Delivery times depend on the shipping company chosen and the delivery service provider. We work with a range of shipping partners in major cities, and orders typically take between 1 to 3 days from the time they are placed and confirmed.

Is International Shipping Available?

Currently, our contracted shipping companies handle deliveries within the country and to specific cities listed on the delivery page. You can view all the cities serviced by our shipping partners there.

For international shipping requests, please contact our store team via WhatsApp. We will provide information on the weight of the product and pricing from international shipping agents not currently listed on our site.

What If There Is a Manufacturing Defect in the Product?

Please refer to our return policy for details on return and exchange conditions. If a manufacturing defect is confirmed and agreed upon for return, the shipping cost to the company and the return shipping cost will be charged to the customer. The cost of the product itself will not be charged to the customer according to our return policy.

Do You Offer Discounts for Bulk Orders?

We offer bulk order delivery services and provide discounts ranging from 10-20% on certain products. For details on quantities and discounts, please contact us directly via the "Contact Us" page.